This has been a long time coming, when we Started our company back in 2019, we had a very optimistic outlook on what we could accomplish. For over 3 years with some hiccups along the way, Zack and I worked hard, and pushed the boundaries of what it meant to innovate in the body piercing industry.

So much work and blood, and sweat…. LOTS of sweat, went into our production of Master Key V1, and V2. We literally were manufacturing these out of our Garage in AZ during the summer, By hand. Brutal AF, but we did it for all of you.

With that said, we are moving on.

Reflecting back on when we started this thing, its humble beginnings.

It started over a Facebook post, and a beer at Casey Moores in Tempe, AZ.

13 failures and 2 decent ones finished HOURS before APP conference 2019 - Master Key V1 was born - and we learned a BIG lesson in production and remaining humble.

During conference it was a HIT, we were pretty much instantly overwhelmed and knowing it was just us two that had to put together some sort of production routine in the middle of summer - with no A/c - and 57 tools awaiting production.

to give you a scale of how much work went into V1 for production, here’s a list of the process for 1 of them

  • acquire material

  • cut material

  • machine side one

  • drill side one - by hand

  • machine side 2

  • drill 5 holes, all of different and sizes and depth side 2, by hand with a crudely made center punching jig

  • thread tap both sides - two different sizes and hope to everything holy you dont snap off a tap in the tool

  • lathe bending dies

  • drill bending dies

  • engrave logos

  • (optional) though nearly everyone selected it, and multiples at a time - custom engraving

  • design and produce machine engraving path for custom engraving

  • chamfer edges

  • sand and polish

  • package

  • ship

im tired as hell even reading that - flashbacks of heatstroke and angry piercers sets in….

and then, do that 56 or so more times, and on a Machine that either wanted to have issues in tolerances, or cuts, or it was just moody for the ever.

then It fully breaks down

and we are fucked.

Enter the $200 router table with the little router that could - and did - save our asses.

Seriously, I dont know how we caught up, but it happened. there were a lot of beers, and a lot of cussing throughout this entire 6 month endeavor.

Plus, people stealing our designs and 3D printing a piece of shit - yeah I said what I said, fight me.

Then Covid - lost packages, really angry piercers, the fuckin’ WORKS.

Then V2 - the breakthrough we needed.

After a year or so of hiatus, hundreds of instagram DM’s and all that, we went through a complete redesign and update, and our production was MUCH faster.

But that brings us to Today, December 26th, 2023.

all great things come to an end

if you have supported us throughout this entire journey, we can’t thank you enough.

I dont know if this is forever, but this certainly will be for a good long while.

Be sure to check out the master key info page

especially that bottom section ;)
